
Power Generation

AEIC, Power Generation

Areas of Focus

The Power Generation committee promotes safety, technological, and operating advances in the power generation field by providing a forum for dialogue between suppliers and users to exchange industry needs, best practices, lessons learned, and technology developments. The Committee encompasses fossil, renewable, energy storage and large-scale distributed resources and its members represent approximately 60% of the electricity generated in the United States.

The Committee meets twice a year in-person and meets with key suppliers to provide feedback and discuss support for current assets and emerging markets and technologies.

Committee Leadership

Kevin DeGraw

Kevin DeGraw, Chairperson

VP, Corporate Operations Oversight


Kris Edmondson

Kris Edmondson, 1st Vice Chair

VP, Coal Operations

Tennessee Valley Authority

Michael Flanagan, Secretary

Manager, Program and Project Support


Jim Heilbron, Past Chair


Alabama Power Co.

Resources & Publications

The Grid Mod Pod

Member Login

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